Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Lets Connect

Human connection.

Ugh gross, Zazz is going to be gooey and cheesy again in a post.

Maybe, but my goal here is to be honest. If soft delightful fluff excretes from my brain mash, down and out through my fingertips to this keyboard, so be it.

Being in Asia, halfway accross the world in a foreign land to myself, I've found that my butt has been in a chair a lot lately. Reading, drawing, listening, eating, and berating myself for this.

Sure, I've finished a book and have gotten halfway through another one, a person could describe that as productive, but why all of the facebook time Zazz? Shouldn't I be exploring more? Maybe chatting up every person I meet who speaks English? After all, being surrounded by almost nothing but Cambodians for a week, I lack many opportunities to speak these days. Why would I not seek out that opportunity?

But there is something beautiful about getting to know myself on this level. Mass quantities of self reflection tend to bounce those shiny reflecting thoughts outword and all around. Like mirrors sporadically placed around me, I'm able to see multiple views from all different angles. This is a good thing, a form of meditation, and healthy for the mind. Though a problem I've worried about is the distortion of the reflections causing views that are too oddly angled that I'm not seeing things clearly. After all, I am still the only viewer.

Hence my rationalization for facebooking as well as a reminder of the importance of human interaction. We are, after all, the center of our own universe. There are only so many windows you can look out of yourself and into the world with. Human connection is not only emotionally satisfying, its also intellectually stimulating and life broadening.

A personal balance of all things. Time to stop berating myself for being antisocial for a while as well as stop being so frightened of lending out smiles. After all, soon I will be personally subjecting myself to solitute at a ten day meditation course, I won't even have Facebook there, I need all of the human connection I can get! Wish me luck.

Little Likena- master of human connection


P.S. To all concerned and asking, my friend from the flood recovered fully. If you're reading this Vanessa, miss you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks... emotional interpersonal balance. most valuable to me are the reflective opinions of the people that love me and that I trust.
